Experience the wonders of the Bannau Brecheiniog Dark Sky Reserve and learn why protecting the night skies is so crucial at this one-day festival packed full of events for all of the family.
From evening bat walks to planetarium shows and astronomy talks, including Birth of our Solar System to practical stargazing with experienced astronomers and their telescopes, there’s something for everyone! Clear skies!
BAT WALK Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September 7pm Free Learn all about bats on this walk. Listen to their calls and watch them fly, forage and hunt. Places are limited.
ALL DAY EVENTS 10am - 4pm Free Solar gazing with Cardiff Astronomical Society, Hedgehog Helpline, The Uskelele Band, Carmarthen Cameras + MSG-Meteorites.
THE SKY TONIGHT 11am / 2pm / 5pm £7 Learn about the wonders to be seen in the Autumn night sky in this spectacular planetarium show.
HEAVEN'S GIFT - Our Ice Age Landscape! 11.30am / 2.30pm £10 Step back in time on a walk across Mynydd Illtud common with Fforest Fawr UNESCO Global Geopark Officer Alan Bowring.
LINES,CIRCLES + POINTS IN THE SKY 11.30am £5 Perfect for beginners, Stephen Webber (Cardiff Astronomical Society) will take you on an introduction to mapping the night sky through stars and planets.
MYTHS AND LEGENDS OF THE NIGHT SKY 12pm / 3pm £7 Learn how to recognise constellations and the stories and legends behind them.
Coming to a Community Near You-Dark Skies! 12.30pm Free Learn how a small community tackled light pollution and how you too, could start a similar approach in your community.
JOURNEY AROUND THE SOLAR SYSTEM 1pm / 4pm £7 Land on the surface of Venus and chase the moons of mighty Jupiter in this 360° planetarium show.
METEORITES AND THE STORY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM 1.30pm £5 Join Nick Busby (Usk Astronomical Society) to learn how our solar system was formed. See and handle specimens of space rocks that are over 4.7 billion years old!
THE BIRTH OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM, 2.30pm £5 This talk from Wayne Jones (Heads of the Valleys Astronomical Society), looks at the current explanations for the birth of our solar system
HOAXES,MYTHS AND LEGENDS 3.30pm £5 Join Phill Wallace (Cardiff Astronomical Society) for a discussion on conspiracy theories – where they come from, why they persist and why they are dangerous.
GIANTS OF THE SKY 4.30pm £5 A look at the stars of the night sky that can help us find our way and become familiar friends to those distant planets. Talk by Stephen Webber (Cardiff Astronomical Society).
STORYTELLING 7pm £15 Award-winning storyteller and writer Daniel Morden returns to tell timeless and magical traditional stories of the sun, moon and stars.
ARMAGEDDON:THE END OF DAYS 7pm £7 Learn about impact events, the odds of them occurring and how we might be able to cling tenaciously to life after all. Talk by Phil Wallace (Cardiff Astronomical Society).
OBSERVING THE NIGHT SKY IN REAL TIME! 7pm £3 Join Cardif, Usk and Bridgend Astronomical societies to observe the night sky. Telescopes and binoculars will be available for you to look through, or bring your own.